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About Us



We believe that each child is an individual; who must be allowed to grow at their own rate of development. We believe children must have proper guidance, but they must also be free from demanding pressures. 


We believe that children should be allowed to explore, wonder, create, take part in, and ask questions to play and learn about the world in which they live. 


We believe that children must have limits and discipline. However, these limits must not be so difficult that they prevent proper growth and learning. Through proper planning we strive to foster an environment that encourages a respectful, supportive yet challenging learning environment. 


Ultimately, we believe that working with children is a special task. We strive to build positive relationships with our families and to always be aware of the opportunities that may help children develop into healthy individuals. 

Call today to schedule your center tour.
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Early Learning Resource Center program offers assistance to families depending on their annual household income. Contact them today at 570-704-5333 to see if your family is eligible. 

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